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My Christmas Blog:The Dream That never was


zaterdag 4 september 2010

I had a accident



I had a new years accident,this was not funny atoll,i was pissed of by this accident.Doing the dishes in a hurry i cut myself in a long glass,that snapped into my hand and like a knife cut into my finger.No pain,not much blood but a deep cut.I could see my bone when i opened the wound.Damn what to do right now it was already late and the new years parade was going on.I phoned my hubby to come home.When he arrived whe had to go to the hospital because the wound looked not so good my hubby said.Into the hospital a nice doctor showed me my wound and told me that i was lucky because when i had cut a little further i had to go to the operation chamber for a operation.He stitched my wound very good and gave me a shot for cuttingwounds and other nasty things.Of to my precious home where is sat very quietly in my chair waiting for the pain to start.Nothing happened,i could only not use the computer with my hand because the bandage was very thick..lol
When i saw the doctorskit from Auntie M Designs i looked up my pictures and made some nice Quickies with it.
You can find AuntieMDesigns here:

2 opmerkingen:

  1. XXX Oh Wow ! Hectic !
    Sending loooots of healing Blessings
    to You Dear One !
    Time to get someone else to do the dishes ! hee ! hee !

    Please send Me Your email address agin ... I am only emailing gifts from now on , and dont want to leave You out !

    Also .... how do You get those stars and butterflies to fly around Me like that ... would love to try that too !

    Blessings and Love for a magical day

  2. I send you a e-mail with my e-mailadress and how to use jacs animation shop 3 and where you can find this programm Minky.
    Very easily to use,it makes your tags shine


A Fairy Little Chihuahua called *Angel*


The Dream That Never was-Christmassite


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Efie's Blog


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Photobucket Photobucket

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The continent of Sulina

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