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Let The Fantasy Begin


Handy Faces Jacqueline's Facepaintings


My Christmas Blog:The Dream That never was


maandag 25 maart 2013

Easter 2013


zaterdag 9 maart 2013

ieni mieni puppy

maandag 11 februari 2013

zondag 10 februari 2013

https://www.facebook.com/aeroglobe/app_328071370627925 Please vote for my picture on facebook,thank you very much

dinsdag 29 januari 2013

Made a new doll

My new doll*Bleuette* with her pantalon and cardigan

zaterdag 12 januari 2013

woensdag 9 januari 2013

home is where the heart is

maandag 31 december 2012

waiting for snow!!

Happy New year

25 December

vrijdag 21 december 2012

A Fairy Merry Christmas

woensdag 19 december 2012


Timeline for Christmas

Special Moments

Christmas Cards


woensdag 5 december 2012


The Christmas Kitten
I once was a cuddly kitten,
But now I am a stray,
'Cause when I was no longer fluffy,
They sent me on my way. They've kept their big watchdog,
As he can bark and growl,
But I could fly at strangers,
If I caught them on the prowl. I slink around their garbage can;
I mew outside their door;
But it's clear from their behaviour,
They don't want me anymore. Now I'm cold and hungry,
And getting very thin,
What have I done to hurt them,
Why won't they let me in? I crouch in sheds and boxes,
In my bedraggle fur,
So shivery and dejected,
I cannot even purr. They have another kitten,
Their children's whole delight;
But probably next Christmas,
It will share my wretched plight.

Facebook Timeline

Last days of Autumn

Christmas(Fur) Babies


My collection Fairies


Let it snow

Lovely posers at FeƩline:),
you can find this here:

A Fairy Little Chihuahua called *Angel*


The Dream That Never was-Christmassite


With a Russian Dutch Heart


Efie's Blog


Tatis graphic Dreampage

Photobucket Photobucket

Fractured Fairtales

Fractured Fairtales
Fractured fairytales and dolls

The continent of Sulina

Photobucket Beautiful and Magical Sparkling site of my dear FairyFriend Minky

Fairydust Princess-Magicmaker


Wishing on a star


Granny characters


